This is a follow up to my last analysis on Deletors, so if you haven't seen that,
read it here.
"We are your salvation through destruction."
Deletors are a very interesting sub-clan. Not because they are particularly amazing, but that they always seem to just miss the mark of being amazing.
Close but no cigar, as the saying goes.
Before I start on talking about the cards themselves, let's first talk about Vanish Delete. It's the most pointless keyword in Vanguard's existence. It does absolutely nothing for the deck, we gain no advantage because of it other then a single card that I'll be getting to. That and often, you don't bind cards from your opponent's drop-zone simply because they have nothing to bind. Other times, you don't bind because it's quite frankly pointless. You'll never get off Delete-End, so why bother?
I'll only be talking about cards from Vanguard and Deletor in this analysis.
Alright then, let's get started.
Original Deletor, Egorg
(Act) (VC) (1/Turn) (GB2) :[(CB)1 & Choose a rearguard with "Deletor" in it's card name, and retire it.]: Delete all your opponent;s vanguards, choose one of your opponent's rearguards in the back row, lock it and your opponent chooses a card from his or her drop-zone, and binds it face down. Then, if the amount of cards in your opponent's damage zone is four or more, and the amount of face down cards in your opponent's bind-zone is thirteen or more, you win the game.
Let's start of this discussion with the best card in the set for Deletors, hands down. Egorg is nothing short of amazing. The amount of work he puts in is just insane. It's a real shame we don't have a first stride we can delete because the tempo we lose by not deleting for a single turn is immense. It's pretty much a guaranteed loss. But if Deletors ever get a first turn delete stride, the true power of Egorg shall rear it's head.
My only problem with the card is the win con... It's near impossible if you don't specialise in it. Thirteen cards bound doesn't sound like much, but it's a lot considering we are completely reliant on the opponent's behaviour, and often our bind skills whiff. 4 Damage is quite easy to push your opponent to using Deletors though.
Docking Deletor, Greion
(Act) (VC) :[(CB)2 - Cards with "Deletor" in it's card name & choose one of your rearguards with "Deletor" in it's card name, and retire it.]: Delete all your opponent's vanguards, Your opponent chooses a card from his or her drop-zone, and binds themface down.
(Auto) When this unit is placed on (VC), your opponent chooses two cards from his or her drop-zone, and binds them face down.
Deletor's new grade 3 boss, and to be honest it's one of the cards Deletor's needed. A fairly costed card (considering it can be activated as soon as you ride to grade 3) that can do some significant damage, and doesn't care what the opponent is doing.
It's a shame that Deletors that can compliment him other then Greidholl are very expensive cost wise. . I wouldn't mind too much, but the only way we can stride then delete is using Keios, who is pretty damn expensive, and his discard has crippled me several times. I pray for a Grei-stride for Fighter's Collection 2016. Please Bushiroad!
Mixed Deletor, Keios.
(Auto) :[(CB)2-Cards with "Deletor" in it's card name, and choose two cards in your hand, and discard them.]; When this unit is placed on (VC), you may pay the cost. If you do, Delete all your opponent's vanguards, choose two of your opponent's rearguards, and lock them.
(Auto) (VC) ]: When this unit attacks a vanguard, this unit gets (power) +2000 until end of turn.
This card is the best backup for Greion right now, even though I hate him... so much. Why couldn't it be a retire and a discard? His locks can come in handy if your opponent has fielded, but it relis on your opponent calling cards before riding.
That discard 2 is ridiculous. Losing 2 cards from hand in a deck that struggles to generate advantage (to the point that draw triggers are necessary.) is just silly, even if we get 2 locks in return.
We run him because we have to. Nothing else to say really.
Hailing Deletor, Alba
(Auto) When this unit is placed on (RC), if your opponent's vanguard is deleted, search your deck for up to one card named "Hailing Deletor, Elro", call it to (RC), and shuffle your deck. If you called a card, your opponent calls the top card of his or her deck to (RC).
(Auto) (RC)- In the right column]: When this unit attack, if you have a card named "Hailing Deletor, Elro" in your left column, this unit gets (power) +3000 until end of that battle.
Hailing Deletor, Elro.
(Auto) (RC) When your opponent's unit is called to (RC) by an effect from a card, (CC)1, your opponent chooses a card from his or her drop-zone, and binds it face down.
(Auto) (RC)- In the left Column]: When this unit attacks, if you have a card named "Hailing Deletor, Alba" in your left column, this unit gets (Power) +3000 until end of that battle.
I cannot talk about one of these cards without talking about the other. After all, they are designed to work together.
Alba becomes a 11k attacker when Elro is in the left column, and on call, if the opponent's vanguard is deleted it searches the deck for Elro, and forces the opponent to call the top card of their deck...
This skill essentially makes it so your opponent plusses instead of you losing advantage. This can be bad, especially if the opponent is using a deck with a lot of on call or call from deck skills. On the flip side, you opponent can call a trigger.
I don't think that's what holds these cards back, however. What holds these cards back is the fact that they require the other card on the field to hit an 11k base vanguard without a booster.
If that skill was something like "
(Auto) (RC) ]: When this unit attacks, if your opponent's vanguard is deleted, this unit gets (Power) +3000 until end of turn." I'd imagine that these cards would be pretty decent, but the fact that they need the other card to even function really holds them back.
Swift Deletor, Geali.
(Auto) :[Choose one of your rearguards with "Deletor" in it's card name, and retire it.]: When this unit is placed on (VC) or (RC), if you have a vanguard with "Deletor" in it's card name, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your opponent's front row rearguards, retire it, your opponent chooses a card from his or her drop-zone, and binds it face down, and until end of turn this unit gets (Power) +2000.
This card is terrible, there is very little more to say, except the fact that this card does nothing for the deck bar Vanish Delete a single card, which we've already established is near pointless.
Just don't ever play this card... please.
Clipping Deletor, Evo.
(Auto) :[(Cb)2}: When this unit is placed on (RC), if your opponent has a deleted vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, search your deck for up to one card with "Deletor" in it's card name not named "Clipping Deletor, Evo", call it to (RC), and shuffle your deck.
A card that gives you a searchable plus in Deletors, Am I dreaming? Oh. It costs two counterblasts. Nevermind then.
If this card was CB1, It would be amazing. It could search any Deletor, so I'd search Alba, and plus 2 for absolutely nothing. Except giving 1 random quality card's worth of advantage your opponent.
Then again, Maybe that's why this card is CB2. It really shouldn't cost that, especially since it requires you to have Deleted the opponent's vanguard, but with Alba and Elro existing, it makes some sense.
Ill-Fate Deletor, Drown
(Auto) (RC) :[Put this unit into your soul & choose a card from your hand, and discard it.]: At the end of the battle that this unit boosted (Boost) a vanguard with "Deletor" in it's card name, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw two cards and your opponent chooses a card from his or her drop-zone, and binds it face down.
Undoubtedly Deletor's best grade 1, Drown gives the deck much needed searching power, and it's available from turn one.
Little to say. It's clear why this card is so good.
Ferment Deletor, Gaen
(Auto) (RC) (SB1) When your opponent's vanguard is deleted, if you have a vanguard with "Grei" in it's card name, you may pay the cost. If you do, your opponent chooses a card from his or her drop-zone, binds it face down and until end of turn, this unit gets (Power) +3000
An interesting "replacement" for
Gatario. I have to admit I completely forgot this card existed for a while. This card is definitely good for aggression, as it easily creates magic columns, both in the front row and the back row.
It's a pretty decent card, but because of how much Deletors lose advantage, I think
Aieda is a better grade 1 as of right now.
Sprout Deletor, Luchi
(Auto)]: Forerunner
(Auto)]: When this unit is put into the drop zone as the cost for the ability of your vanguard with "Deletor" in it's card name, choose up to one of your opponent's rearguards in the back row, lock it and your opponent chooses a card from his or her drop-zone, and binds it face down.
The new starter has a lot of competition in Igor, a card that countercharges, filters and fills up the soul.
Is this card the new starter in Deletor? Not really, but that isn't to say that this starter is bad. It only works with the Grei deck, however.
It's lock can sometimes be really useful for disrupting your opponent, especially if they are playing a rearguard reliant deck, but otherwise Igor outperforms it, massively.
Biting Deletor, Geeva
(Auto) (RC) :[Put this unit on top of your deck]: At the end of the battle that this unit boosted, if your opponent has a deleted vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, shuffle your deck, (CC)1 & your opponent chooses a card in his or her drop-zone, and binds it face down.
Deletor's skill crit trigger. It doesn't take up any space in your main deck, but it can be an emergency source of countercharge as well as vanish delete if you really need to try and turbo Delete End. That is a desperate (and most likely futile) endeavourer, however.
Deck Profile.
Grade 0:
Starting Vanguard: Acquire Deletor, Igor
4 Biting Deletor, Geeva
2 Deletor Crits
6 Deletor Draws
4 Deletor Heals.
Grade 1:
4 Refusing Deletor, Evil
4 Ill-Fate Deletor, Drown
4 Destiny Dealer
3 Deriding Deletor, Aieda
Grade 2:
4 Juxtapose Deletor, Gaele
2 Bloating Deletor, Gio
4 Pursuing Deletor, Egotte
Grade 3:
4 Docking Deletor, Greion
4 Mixed Deletor, Keios
4 Original Deletor, Egorg
2 Nebula Dragon, Big Crunch Dragon
1 Genesis Dragon, Amnesty Messiah
1 Genesis Dragon, Judgement Messiah