Bushiroad, I have a question: Why do you hate Megacolony? They're the clan who has received the worst support in this set by far. And this card is a microcosm for why:
Merciless Mutant Deity, Darkface.
(Act) (Vc) :[(CB)1 And choose a face down card named "Merciless Mutant Deity, Darkface" from your G-Zone and turn it face up]: Choose one of your opponent's units for every face up card named "Merciless Mutant Deity, Darkface" and until the end of your opponent's turn those units get "(Cont) (RC) This unit cannot intercept and cannot be chosen for the cost or effect of one of your cards" and for each rearguard chosen with this effect, this unit gets (Power) +5000 until end of turn.
(Act) (Vc) :[(CB)1 And choose a face down card named "Merciless Mutant Deity, Darkface" from your G-Zone and turn it face up]: Choose one of your opponent's units for every face up card named "Merciless Mutant Deity, Darkface" and until the end of your opponent's turn those units get "(Cont) (RC) This unit cannot intercept and cannot be chosen for the cost or effect of one of your cards" and for each rearguard chosen with this effect, this unit gets (Power) +5000 until end of turn.
CB1 Flip anything to turn a paralysis into either a lock or a retire isn't the best to be honest, even if it does make sure that the opponent can't get rid of the cards using skills such as Gluttony Dogma or Diablo. CB1 for something that is only useful when combined with something else is pretty bad to be honest. It's worth noting that for the clans you'd mainly use this against, Tachikaze and Shadow Paladin it only is effective when they actually have a field, which isn't always the case.
So it's only useful in niche situations, it requires copies of itself to be useful and it burns counterblast, which are extremely precious in Dark Face, the only card you'd consider running more than 2 copies in. It's overcosted and performs very little for any deck overall, Sums up a lot of Megacolony's support in GTB-02, actually.
(Act) (VC) (GB2) :[(CB)2 & Choose a card from your hand, and discard it] Your opponent cannot call cards to (RC) until the end of your opponent's next turn.
G-Units in Technical Boosters tend to be cards that are needed for niche situations. This card definitely fits that description.
Overall this card punishes a significant amount of decks and can turns paralysis into locks... The only issue is it's stupidly high cost. I can understand why Tsukumorakan was CB2 person, I really can. Reducing your opponent's hand size to 4 is very powerful, as well as being able to reduce it even further to 3 which pretty much makes it impossible to guard every single attack. It was also noteworthy that Nubatama has the ability to countercharge 1 every single turn using Kamoquisha.
Megacolony definitely does not have Countercharge abilities as good as Nubatama, that's for sure, as they are constantly forced to -1 to do so bar their P-Guard.
Overall the card's good, but Megacolony (Especially Darkface) needs a much better capacity to countercharge, as well as a generic finisher that isn't on-hit before this card can become the powerhouse staller that it is capable of being.
(Auto) :[(CB)1]; When this unit is placed on (GC) for the battle that your vanguard was attacked, you may pay the cost. It you do, rest all of your opponent's backrow rearguards, and this unit gets (Shield) +5000 for every two of your opponent's units at rest until the end of that battle.
This is one of the few quality cards Megacolony received in the technical booster. It's well costed, powerful and flexible. It can become a 30k with ease, and it can reduce the power rearguard attacks easily.
I find no faults with this card. It's exactly what it should have been, a great way to control the opponent's board while gaining shield.
There are ways to play around it, yes but for the most part you are succeeding at forcing your opponent to either attack in a less than efficient pattern or by resting the opponent's rearguards and doing the same.
I rather like it.
(Auto) Dark Device :[(CB)1]: When this unit is placed on (VC) or (RC), you may pay the cost, if you do, choose one of your opponent's rearguards in the same column, and that unit cannot (stand) during your opponent's next stand phase.
(Auto) (GB1) Dark Device: When this unit is placed on (RC), choose one of your opponent's rearguards, and that unit cannot (stand) during the opponent's next stand phase.
This card is pretty bad, simply because you don't want to call grade 3's to rearguard circle.
If it was a grade 2 however, this card would be alright. Nothing spectacular, just alright.
(Auto) (GB1) (Dark Device)]: When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a vanguard with "Darkface" in it's card name, this unit gets (power) +2000 until end of turn, choose one of your opponent's rearguards, and until the end of your opponent's next turn, that unit gets "(Auto) (RC) At the end of your turn, if this unit is at (Rest), your opponent draws a card" and that unit doesn't stand during your opponent's next stand phase.
This card's pretty good. A Giga paralysing Machining Papilio with 9k base power is cool with me, even if it is slower.
Even so, the nature of the card means that the effect only happens for a turn, and that there is no way really to get around it.
(Cont)]: Sentinel
(Auto) :[Choose a card from your hand, and discard it]: When this unit is placed on (GC), you may pay the cost. If you do, choose up to one of your vanguards that is being attacked, and that unit cannot be hit until the end of that battle.
(Auto) (RC) (GB1) Dark Device :[(SB)1]: When your unit's attack hit's a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, return this card to your hand.
This card is alright, I guess. The biggest problem with this card is opportunity cost, as G-Megacolony needs all the countercharging it needs, so not running the G-PG is simply not an option.
Nothing else to say really.
(Auto) (RC) (GB1) Dark Device :[Put this unit into soul]: At the beginning of your main phase, you may pay the cost, If you do, (CC)1
(Cont) (RC)]: If you have a vanguard with "Giraffa" in it's card name, this unit cannot be chosen by the effects of your opponent's cards, and your opponent's units in the same column as this unit cannot intercept.
Probably the best rare in the set for Megacolony, Vulcan Lafertei's conditional skill is pretty amazing. It both allows paralysis to be put in the front row and the unit cannot be removed if you have a Giraffa vanguard.
Unfortunately, I believe that the Auto Skill should have been CC2 instead of CC1, as this unit is extremely valuable to keep on the board, so you are either forced to remove it from the board so you can do your thing, or keep it on the board to make Paralysis more efficient. If it was CC2 it would have been much more effective as a countercharger, and would have allowed Megacolony to stall much more efficiently.
(Auto) (RC) (GB)1 Dark Device :[Put this unit into your soul]: At the end of each turn, you may pay the cost. If you do, (CC)1, Choose your opponent's grade 1 or less rearguard, and that unit doesn't stand during your opponent's next stand phase.
This card is alright I suppose. It's main issue is that it is a -1 to countercharge yet again.
Why does Megacolony have to -1 to cc1 when decks like Great Nature can do it while plussing and while CBD has a countercharger that is a -1 to CC2.
It makes no sense, really.
(Auto)]: Forerunner
(Act) (RC) (GB)1 Dark Device :[Put this unit into your soul]: Choose one of your opponent's rearguards, and until end of the opponent's turn that unit gets "(Cont) (RC) This unit cannot intercept and cannot be chosen for the cost or effect of one of your cards."
(Act) (RC) :[(Rest) this unit]: Choose one of your opponent's units, and (Rest) it.
Let's take an already mediocre ability from our RRR stride, and give it to a rearguard for a -1! Such a great idea!
No, this card is awful. Use Crimebug instead. At least you get something out of that -1!
And that pretty much sums up Megacolony support in GTB-02.